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Donoso, P.J., Frene, C., Flores, M., Oyarzún, C., Moorman, M., Zavaleta, J. 2014. Balancing water supply and old-growth forest conservation in the lowlands of south-central Chile through an adaptive co-management approach. Landscape Ecology 29: 29: 245-260.
Gerding, V., Thiers, O., Schlatter, J.E., Sanzana, J. 2014. Suelos ñadi para una producción forestal sostenible: principales problemas, causas y propuestas de solución. Bosque Nativo 53: 36-43.
Méausoone, P.J.; Aguilera, A. 2014. Inventory of Experimental Works on Cutting Tools’ Life for the Wood Industry In: A. Aguilera & J.P. Davim (Eds.), Research Developments in Wood Engineering and Technology. IGI Global Publishers, Hershey, PA, USA, 320-342.
Moya, C., Oses, Rómulo., Poblete, H., Valenzuela, L. 2014. Effects of wood and bark flour content of Pinus radiata on the accelerated decay of wood-plastic composites. Maderas, Cienc. Tecnol. 16(1):2014.
Reyes, J., Thiers, O., Gerding, V. 2014. Characterization of soil properties of Nothofagus spp. Forest with and without scarification in the andean region of southern Chile. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 14(1):101-113.
Reyes, J., Thiers, O., Gerding, V., Donoso, P. 2014. Effect of scarification on soil change and establishment of an artificial forest regeneration under Nothofagus spp. in southern Chile. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 14(1): 115-127.
Rolleri, A. Burgos, F. Bravo, C. Vasquez, E. and Droppelmann, F. 2014. Determining pore size distribution in wet earlywood cell wall by solute exclusion using total organic carbon technique (TOC). Wood Sci. Technol. Volume 48 (4) 787-795.
Thiers O, J. Reyes, V Gerding, JE Schlatter. 2014. Suelos en Ecosistemas Forestales. Capítulo 3. En: Donoso C, M González, A Lara, P Donoso (Eds.). Ecología Forestal. Bases para el Manejo Sustentable de los Bosques Nativos de Chile. Primera edición. Ediciones UACh, Valdivia, Chile.133-178.
Watt, M., Trincado, G. 2014. Modelling between tree and longitudinal variation in Green density within Pinus radiata: implications for estimation ofMOE by acoustic methods. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science. 44:1-10.
Donoso PJ, Zavaleta JC. Propuesta preliminar de incorporación de nuevos sitios de investigaciones socio-ecológicas de largo plazo en la Red LTSER de Chile. Bosque 35(3): 459-465. 10.4067/S0717-92002014000300021
Esse C, PJ Donoso, V Gerding, F Encina Montoya. Modelling dominant height and site index in different edaphoclimatic zones of Nothofagus dombeyi secondary forest in the Andes of south-central Chile. Southern Forests http://dx.doi.org/10.2989/20702620.2014.956026.
Zamorano-Elgueta C. L Cayuela, JM Rey-Benaya, PJ Donoso, D. Geneletti, R. Hobbs. The differential influences of human-induced disturbances on tree regeneration community: a landscape approach. Ecosphere 5/7: 1-17.
Soto D.P., P.J. Donoso and K.J. Puettmann. 2014 Mortality in relation to growth rate and soil resistance varies by species for underplanted Nothofagus seedlings in scarified shelterwoods. New Forests DOI 10.1007/s11056-014-9428-6
Donoso PJ, C Donoso y C Navarro. Manejo de Ecosistemas Forestales. En: C. Donoso, M González y A Lara (Eds.) Ecología Forestal, pg. 505-526.
Aguilera, A., Barros, J.L., Rolleri, A., Cárdenas, J., Méausoone, P.J., & Aguilar, C. 2013. Assessment of Machining Performance for Solid Wood Moulding. Advances on Trials Running with Sharp Cutting Edge. ProLigno 9 (4): 398-407.
Bannister ,J., Donoso, P. J. 2013. Forest Typification to Characterize the Structure and Composition of Old-growth Evergreen Forests on Chiloé Island, North Patagonia (Chile). Forests 4: 1087-1105.
Bannister, J., Wagner, S., Donoso, P.J. and Bauhus, J. 2013. The importance of seed trees in the dioecious conifer Pilgerodendron uviferum for passive restoration of fire disturbed southern bog forests. Austral Ecology 39: 204-213.
Bannister, J., Coopman, R.E., Donoso, P.J. and Bauhus, J. 2013 The Importance of Microtopography and Nurse Canopy for Successful Restoration Planting of the Slow-Growing Conifer Pilgerodendron uviferum. Forests. 4:85-103
Donoso, P.J., Soto, D.P., Coopman, R.E., Rodríguez-Bertos. S. 2013. Early performance of planted Nothofagus dombeyi and Nothofagus alpina in response to light availability and gap size in a high-graded forest in the south-central Andes of Chile. Bosque 34(1): 23-32.
Esse, C., Donoso, P.J., Gerding, V., Encina-Montoya, F. 2013. Determination of homogeneous edaphoclimatic zones for secondary forests of Nothofagus dombeyi in south-central Chile. Ciencia e Investigación Agraria 40: 397-410.
Esse C, Donoso P.J., Gerding V., Encina-Montoya F. 2013. Determination of homogeneous edaphoclimatic zones for secondary forests of Nothofagus dombeyi in south-central Chile. Ciencia e Investigación Agraria (en prensa).
López, A.M., Trincado, G., Barrios, A., Nieto, V. 2013. Modelos regionales de altura-diámetro para plantaciones jóvenes de Eucalyptus tereticornis en la costa atlántica colombiana. Bosque 34(2):233-241.
Moorman, M., Nelson, S., Moore, S. and Donoso, P. 2013. Stakeholder perspectives on adaptive co-management as a Chilean conservation management strategy. Society and Natural Resources 26:1022-1036.
Moorman, M., Donoso, P.J., Moore, S.E., Sink, S., Frederick, D. 2013 Sustainable protected area management: The case of Llancahue, a highly-valued periurban forest in Chile. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 32:783–805.
Reyes, J., Gerding, V., Thiers, O. 2013. Application of controlled release fertilizers (CRF) in establishing of Pinus radiata D. Don in Chile. Chapingo Journal Serie Forestry and Environment 18 (2): 313-328.
Thiers, O., Gerding, V., Reyes, J., Gayoso, J. 2013. Bases edáficas para silvicultura en bosques nativos de Chile: Sistematización y validación de información sobre características y procesos de suelos (042/2010). En: Fondo de Investigación en Bosque Nativo-Departamento de Bosque Nativo. Corporación Nacional Forestal (CONAF) (Ed.). Resúmenes proyectos financiados por el Fondo de Investigación del Bosque Nativo. Período 2010-2011. Volumen 1:53-56.
Reyes, J., Thiers, O., Gerding, V., Soto, D. 2013. Recuperación de bosques con Nothofagus spp, en Los Andes del sur de Chile: uso de la escarificación del suelo como técnica facilitadora para la regeneración. Revista Bosque 52: 44-49.
Aguilera, A., Barros, J.L. 2012. Surface roughness assessment on Medium Density Fibreboard rip sawing using acoustic signals.Eur. J. Wood Prod., 70(1):369-372
Aguilera, A., Fernández, C. 2012. Jointing knives and tool wear effect in the surface quality of radiata pine moldings. Maderas, Cienc. Tecnol., 14(2):175-184.
Aguilera, A., Méausoone, P.J. 2012. Cutting energy on wood and wood products machining. In: J.P. Davim (Ed.), Wood and Wood Products. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge, NY 11788-3619, U.S.A. 57-86.
Bannister, Jan R. , Vidal, Osvaldo J. Sandoval, V., Teneb, E. Latitudinal patterns and regionalization ofplant diversity along a 4270-km gradient in continental Chile. Austral Ecology. 37: 4. 500-509.
Burgos, F. Rolleri, A. 2012. Effect of hydro and hygro -thermal treatments on some wood properties of Pinus radiata and Pseudotsuga menziesii. Drvna Industrija 63 (3): 211-215.
Krackler, V., Torres, M., Niemz, P. 2012. Physikalische und chemische Eigenschaften von Druck-und gegenholz der Fichte Forstarchiv 83: 115-125.
McGinley, K., Alvarado, R., Cubbage, F., Diaz, D., Donoso, P.J, Gonçalves-Jacovine, L.A., Luiz de Silva, F., MacIntyre, C., Monges-Zalazar, E. 2012. Regulating the Sustainability of Forest Management in the Americas: Cross-Country Comparisons of Forest Legislation Forests 3: 467-505.
Moya, C., Poblete, H., Valenzuela, L. 2012. Physical and mechanical properties of bark flour or wood flour of pinus radiata recycled polyethylene composites. Maderas, Ciencia y Tecnología 14(1): 13-29.
Pompa-García, M., Vega-Muñoz, J., Soto-Gutiérrez, R., Trincado, G., Cruz-Lobos, F. 2012. Estimates of bark thickness in bole profiles of Oak in Northern Mexico. Research Journal of Forestry 6(2): 32-40.
Ramírez, C., Sandoval, V., San Martín, C., Álvarez, M., Pérez, Y. & Novoa, C. The anthropogenic rural landscape of Aisén, Chile: Structure and vegetation dynamic. Gayana Botanica. 69(2): 219-231.
Reyes, J., Gerding V., Thiers, O. 2012. Controlled release fertilizers applied to Pinus radiata D. Don in Chile. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente XVIII: 313 – 328.
Schütz, J.P., Pukkala, T., Donoso, P., Gadow, K., 2012. Historical Emergence and Current Application of CCF Pukkala T;Gadow K;(ed); Continuous Cover Forestry Springer, Netherlands.
Bannister JR, Donoso PJ, Bauhus J, 2012 Persistence of the Slow Growing Conifer Pilgerodendron uviferum in Old-Growth and Fire-Disturbed Southern Bog Forests Ecosystems doi:10.1007/s100 21-012-9574-7 3.495
McGinley K, Alvarado R, Cubbage F, Diaz D, Donoso P, Gonçalves-Jacovine LA, Luiz de Silva F, MacIntyre C, Monges-Zalazar E, 2012 Regulating the Sustainability of Forest Management in the Americas: Cross-Country Comparisons of Forest Legislation Forests 3 467 505
Donoso PJ, 2012 Ingeniería Forestal en crisis…¿o no? Revista Bosque Nativo 50 14 15
Moorman, M., Donoso, P.J., Moore, S.E., Sink, S.,Frederick, D. 2012 Sustainable protected area management: The case of Llancahue, a highly valued periurban forest in Chile Journal of Sustainable Forestry
Aguilera, A. 2011. Cutting energy and surface roughness in medium density fiberboard rip sawing. Eur. J. Wood Prod., 69(1):11-18.
Aguilera, A. 2011. Surface roughness evaluation in medium density fibreboard rip sawing. Eur. J. Wood Prod. 69(3):489-493.
Aguilera, A., Muñoz, H. 2011. Surface roughness and cutting power on Blackwood and Redwood planing. Maderas, Cienc. Tecnol. 13(1):19-28.
Aguilera, A. 2011. Monitoring surface quality on molding and sawing processes for solid wood and wood panels. In: J.P. Davim (Ed.), Wood machining. Wiley - ISTE Ltd. London, England. 159-216.
Cob, J.V., Sabja, A.M., Ríos, D., Lara, A., Donoso, P.J., González, M.E., Escobar, B. 2011. Potential of organogenesis as a strategy for in vitro propagation of Fitzroya cupressoides in Austral South America Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente 17: 423 433.
Donoso, P.J., Soto, D.P. 2011. Plantaciones con especies nativas en el centro-sur de Chile: Experiencias, desafíos y oportunidades Revista Bosque Nativo 47: 10-17.
Donoso, P., Muñoz, A. Thiers, O., Donoso, C. 2011. Effects of aspect and type of competition on the early performance of Nothofagus dombeyi and Nothofagus nervosa in a mixed plantation Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41: 1075-1081.
Donoso, P.J., Muñoz, A.A., Thiers, O., Soto, D. P., Donoso, C. 2011. Effects of aspect and type of competition on the early performance of Nothofagus dombeyi and N. nervosa in a mixedplantation. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 41:1075-1081.
Iroume, A., Carey, P., Bronstert, A., Huber, A, Palacios, H. 2011. GIS application of USLE and MUSLE to estimate erosion and suspended sediment load in experimental catchments, Valdivia, Chile. Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad del Zulia 34:119-128.
Meng, S., Huang, S., VanderSchaaf, C..L., Yang, Y., Trincado, G. 2011. Accounting for serial correlation and its impact on forescasting ability of a fixed- and mixed-effects basal area model: a case study. European Journal of Forest Research 131: 541-552.
Navarro, C., Herrera, M., Drake, F., Donoso, P. 2011. Diagrama de manejo de densidad y su aplicación a raleo en bosques de segundo crecimiento de Drimys winteri en el sur de Chile Bosque. 32: 175-186.
Niklitschek, M., Trincado, G. 2011. A cost effective stratified two-stage sampling design to estimate the forest land area of southern Chile. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41: 1509-1521.
Ojeda, N., Sandoval, V., Soto, H., Casanova, J.L., Herrera, M., Morales, L., Espinoza, A., San Martín, J. 2011. Discriminación de bosques de Araucaria araucana en el Parque Nacional Conguillio, centro-sur de Chile, mediante datos Landsat TM. Bosque 32: 113-125.
Oyarzún, C., Godoy, R., Staelens, J., Donoso, P., Verhoest NEC. 2011. Seasonal and annual throughfall and stemflow in Andean temperate rainforests Hydrological Processes 25: 623-683.
Torres, M., Figueroa, V., Vives, I., 2011. Bio-deterioration of Pinus radiata rond Word preserved with CCA SALT against brown rot fungi, Bosque. 32(3):315-320.
Vidal, O.J., Bannister, J.R., Sandoval, V., Pérez, Y., Ramírez, C. 2011. Woodland communities in the Chilean cold-temperate zone (Baker and Pascua basins): Floristic composition and morpho-ecological transition. Gayana Botanica 68: 141-154.
Vergara, G., Sandoval, V., Miranda, J.C. 2010. Indicadores territoriales: ¿Degradación del patrimonio natural turístico en la Región de los Ríos?, periodo 1998-2007 Gestión Turística: 55-58.
Aguilera, A., Barros, J.L. 2010. Sound pressure as a tool in the assessment of the surface roughness on medium density fibreboard rip sawing process. Maderas, Cienc. Tecnol. 12(3):159-169.
Cob, J., Sabja, A.M., Ríos, D., Lara, A., Donoso, P., González, M.E., Escobar, B. 2010. Potencial de la organogénesis como estrategia para la masificación in vitro de Persea lingue en la zona centro-sur de Chile. Bosque. 31: 202-208.
Navarro, C., Herrera, M., Drake, F., Donoso, P. 2010. Evaluación de la rentabilidad del manejo en bosques secundarios de canelo (Drimys winteri) en la Cordillera de la Costa de Valdivia, Chile. Bosque 31: 209- 218.
Poblete, H, Burgos, R. 2010. Eucalyptus nitens como materia prima para tableros de partículas Maderas, Ciencia y Tecnología. 12(1): 25-35.
Rolleri, A. Roffael, E. 2010. Influence of the surface roughness of particleboards and their performance towards coating. Maderas-Ciencia y Tecnología12(2):143-148.
Rolleri, A., Roffael, E. 2010. Surface roughness of uncoated particleboards and its relation with the raw material, adhesive and climatic conditions. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 68(4):369-372
Soto, D.P., Salas, C., Donoso, P.J., Uteau, D. Structural and spatial heterogeneity of a mixed Nothofagus dombeyi dominated forest stand after partial disturbance. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 83: 335-347.
Aguilera, A., Inzunza, L. 2009. Distribution of within-ring internal checking in Pinus radiata grown in southern Chile. Maderas, Cienc. Tecnol.11(2): 97-105.
Aguilera, A., Zamora, R. 2009, Surface roughness in sapwood and heartwood of Blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon R.Br) machined in 90-0 direction. Eur. J. Wood Prod. 67(3):297-301.
Diaz-Vaz, JE., Ananías, R., Rodríguez, S., Torres, M., Fernández, A., Poblete, H. 2009. Compression wood in Pinus radiata II: Density and chemical composition Maderas, Ciencia y Tecnología 11(2):139-151.
Donoso, P., Soto, D.P., Gerding, V, 2009. Efectos de la poda de tallo y fertilización de liberación controlada en vivero sobre el comportamiento de plántulas de Nothofagus nervosa Bosque. 30: 48-53.
Donoso, P., Soto, D.P., Schlatter, J., Büchner, J, 2009. Effects of early fertilization on the performance of planted Nothofagus dombeyi in the Coastal Range of south-central Chile Ciencia e Investigación Agraria 36: 475-486.
Garay, R., Poblete, H., Karsulovic, J.T. 2009. Evaluation of oriented strand board and plywood subjected to severe relative humidity and temperature conditions Forest Products Journal 59(3): 84-90.
Lara, A., Little, C., Urrutia, R., McPhee, J., Álvarez-Garretón, C., Oyarzún, C., Soto, D., Donoso, P., Nahuelhual, L., Pino, M., Arismendi, I. 2009. Assessment of ecosystem services as an opportunity for the conservation and management of native forests in Chile Forest Ecology and Management 258: 415-424.
Leiva, F. 2009. Política asociada a plantaciones forestales en Chile: Dinámica sectorial en las últimas décadas. Primera reunión sobre planificación y legislación forestal, EcoGestión 2009, Esquel, Argentina.
Meng, S., Huang, S., Yang, Y., G. Trincado, C. Vanderschaaf. 2009. Evaluation of population-averaged and subject-specific approaches for modeling the top height growth of lodgepole pine. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 39(6): 1148-1158.
Poblete, H., Cuevas, H.R., Diaz-Vaz, J.E. 2009. Property characterization of Chusquea culeou, a bamboo growing in Chile Maderas, Cienc. Tecnol. 11(2): 129-138.
Reyes, R., Donoso, P., Donoso, C., Navarro, C. 2009. Crecimiento de renovales de Drimys winteri después de 16 años de aplicados distintos tratamientos de raleo en las Cordilleras de los Andes y de la Costa de la X Región de Chile. Bosque. 30: 117-126.
Soto, D.P., Donoso. P,, Uteau, D, Zúñiga-Feest, A, 2009 Environmental factors affect the spatial Arrangement of survival and damage of outplanted Nothofagus dombeyi seedlings In the Chilean Andes. Interciencia: 34: 100-105.
Trincado, G., Burkhart, H.E. 2009. A framework for modeling the dynamics of first-order branches and its spatial distribution of knots in loblolly pine trees. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 39(3): 566-579.
Uteau D, Donoso P, 2009 Early individual growth of Eucryphia cordifolia and Laurelia sempervirens planted under different competition conditions in southcentral Chile. Ciencia e Investigación Agraria 36: 85-96.
Yang, Y., Huang, S., G. Trincado, S. Meng. 2009. Nonlinear mixed-effects modeling of variable-exponent taper equations for lodgepole pine in Alberta, Canada. European Journal of Forest Research.128:415-429.
Yang, Y. Huang, S., Meng, S. Trincado, G., VanderSchaaf, C.L. 2009. A multilevel individual tree basal area increment model for aspen in boreal mixedwood stands. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 39(11):2203-2214.
Bustos. F., González, M.E., Donoso, P., Gerding, V., Donoso, C., Escobar, B. 2008. Efectos de distintas dosis de fertilizante de liberación controlada (Osmocote®) en el desarrollo de plantas de coigüe, raulí y ulmo. Bosque 29: 155-161.
Delgado, M., Cuba, M., Hechenleitner, P., Thiers, P. 2008. Propagación vegetativa de taique (Desfontainiaspinosa) y tepa (Laureliopsisphilippiana) con fines ornamentales. Bosque 29 (2):120-126.
Donoso, P.J., Donoso, C. 2008. Chile: Forest Species and Stand Types Cubbage FW;(ed.); Forest Encyclopedia.
Donoso, C., González, M.E., Cortes, M., González, C., Donoso, P., Hernández, M. 2008. Poblaciones de araucaria enana (Araucaria araucana) en la Cordillera de Nahuelbuta, Chile. Bosque 29: 170-175.
Frederick, D., Donoso, P.J. 2008. Hardwood Management: Stand Improvement Cutting in Natural Stands of Temperate Hardwood Forests Cubbage FW;(ed.); Forest Encyclopedia Society of American Foresters and International Society of Tropical Foresters.
Gerding, V. 2008. La tala rasa y su efecto en la productividad del sitio. En: Donoso P (ed.). Tala rasa: implicaciones y desafíos. 14 p.
Lara, A., Echeverría, C., Thiers, O., Huss, E., Escobar, B., Tripp, K., Zamorano, C., Altamirano, A. 2008. Restauración ecológica de coníferas longevas: el caso de Alerce (Fitzroya cupressoides) en el sur de Chile. En: González-Espinosa, M., Rey-Benayas J. M., y Ramírez-Marcial, N. Restauración de bosques en América Latina. Fundación internacional para la restauración de ecosistemas (FIRE) y Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, Madrid, España. 39-56.
Rolleri, A. Roffael, E. 2008. Influence of climatic conditions and surface roughness on the wettability of medium density fiberboards (MDF). Holz Als Roh-Und Werkstoff 66 (6): 465-466.
Schlegel B, Donoso PJ, 2008 Effects of forest type and stand structure on coarse woody debris in oldgrowth rainforests in the Valdivian Andes, South-Central Chile. Forest Ecology and Management 255: 1906-1914.
Thiers, O., Gerding, V, Hildebrand, E.E. 2008. Renovales de Nothofagus obliqua en centro y sur de Chile: factores de sitio relevantes para la productividad. En: Libro de actas de Eco Reuniones. Segunda Reunión sobre los Nothofagus en la Patagonia. Editores: J Bava, Picco OA, Pildaín MB, López P, Orellana I. Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagónica (CIEFAP). Esquel, Chubut, Argentina. 255-262.
Trincado, G., Burkhart, H.E. 2008.A model of knot shape and volume in loblolly pine trees.Wood and Fiber Science 40(4): 634-646.
Aguilera, A., Inzunza, L., Saffirio, I. Technical evaluation of the durability of stickers in the kiln drying process of Pinus radiata D. Don. Maderas, Cienc. Tecnol. 9(1):85-96.
Aguilera, A., Zamora, R. Wood machining process monitoring of blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon) with acoustic emission technique and his relationship with resulting surface roughness. Maderas, Cienc. Tecnol. 9(3):323-332.
Aguilera, A., Vega, M., Méausoone, P.J. Effects of grain angle on the amplitudes of acoustic emission and surface roughness in wood machining. Wood Science and Technology 41(4):373-381.
Burgos, F., Chávez, I., Manríquez, J.M., Alegría, S. 2007. A conveniente route to prepare sodicyclopentadiene—Precursor of 1,5-dihydro-pentaleneTetrahedron Letters 48: 8331- 8333.
Carey, P., Sandoval, V., Saldivia, R. 2007 Proyección de los sistemas de cosecha forestal en las plantaciones establecidas en el contorno de la reserva Río Cruces para los próximos diez años. Bosque 28: 173-177.
Cubbage, F., MacDonagh, P., Sawinski-Jr, J., Rubilar, R., Donoso, P., Ferreira, A., Hoeflich, V., Morales, V., Ferreira, G., Balmelli, G., Siry, J., Báez, M.N., Álvarez, J. 2007. Timber Investment Returns for Selected Plantations and Native Forests in South America and the Southern United States New Forest. 33: 237-255.
Cuevas, H.R., Poblete, H. 2007. Effect of test pieces dimension on shear strength and adhesion in polyvinyl acetate joints. Maderas, Ciencia y Tecnología 9(3): 299-307.
Dahrouch, M., Burgos, F., Castel, A., Chávez, I., Gornitzka, H., Manríquez, J.M., Rivière, P., Rivière-Baudet, M., Álvarez, J., Onyszchuk, M. 2007. Regio- and stereo-selectivity in the silylation of 2,6-diethyl-3,4,7,8-tetramethyl-1,5-dihydro-s-indacene. Applied Organometallic Chemistry 21: 31-38.
Díaz-Vaz, J.E., Fernández, A., Valenzuela, L., Torres, M., 2007 Madera de Compresión en Pinus radiata D.Don: I Características Anatómicas. Maderas, Ciencias y Tecnología. 9(1):29-43.
Donoso, P., Lusk, C. 2007. Differential effects of emergent Nothofagus dombeyi on growth and basal area of canopy species in an old-growth temperate rainforest Journal of Vegetation Science. 18:675-684.
Donoso, P., Soto, D., Bertin, R.A. 2007. Size–density relationships in Drimys winteri secondary forests of the Chiloe Island, Chile: Effects of physiography and species composition Forest Ecology and Management. 239: 120-127.
Donoso, P., Gerding, V., Uteau, D., Soto, D.P., Thiers, O., Donoso, C. 2007. Efecto de fertilización y cobertura de malezas en el crecimiento inicial y la mortalidad de una plantación de Nothofagus dombeyi en la Cordillera de Los Andes Bosque. 28: 249-255.
Donoso, P.J., Gerding, V., Uteau, D., Soto, D.P., Thiers, O., Donoso, C. 2007. Crecimiento y mortalidad inicial de una plantación de Nothofagus dombeyi con diferentes dosis de fertilizantes en la Cordillera de Los Andes Bosque. 27: 249-255.
Donoso, P.J., Soto, D.P., Donoso, C., Rivera, H. 2007. Crecimiento inicial en altura para plantaciones de Coihue, Roble y Raulí en altitudes medias en la Provincia de Valdivia, Chile Revista Bosque Nativo. 8-12.
Echeverría, C., O, Thiers., Lara, A. 2007. Effects of forest loss on soil water table in the temperate landscape in southern Chile. In: Pacha MJ, Luque S, Galetto L and Iverson L. Understanding biodiversity loss: an overview of forest fragmentation in South America. IALE Landscape Research and Management papers. International Association of Landscape Ecology. IALE Electronic Publication Series: 106-114.
González, M., Ramírez, N., Newton, A.C., Rey, J.M., Camacho, A., Armesto, J.J., Lara, A., Echeverría, C., Premoli, A., Williams, G., Altamirano, A., Alvarez, C., Cortés, M. Galindo, L. Muñiz, M.A. Núñez, M.C., Pedraza, R.A., Rovere, E., Smith, C., Thiers, O., Zamorano, C. 2007. Restoration of forest ecosystems in fragmented landscapes of temperate and montane tropical Latin America. In: Newton, C. (ed.). Biodiversity Loss and Conservation in Fragmented Forest Landscapes. Evidence from tropical montane and south temperate rain forests in Latin America. CABI Publishing. 335-369
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